几 vs 多少

几 (jǐ) and 多少 (duōshǎo) are both Chinese words that are used to ask about numbers or quantities. Let’s dive into the ways they are each used, and learn to differentiate them.

1. We typically use 几 to refer to small, uncertain numbers that are (expected to be) less than ten.

你带了几支笔?(Nǐ dài le jǐ zhī bǐ?) How many pens did you bring?

2.  Be sure to always use a measure word between 几 and a noun.

你要几个苹果?(Nǐ yào jǐge píngguǒ?) How many apples do you want ?

3. We use 几for asking the time.

现在几点?(Xiànzài jǐdiǎn?) – What time is it now?

4. We use 几 to ask children their age.

 你几岁。(Nǐ jǐsuì?) – How old are you? [Asking a child]

However, it is important to note that we do not substitute 几 for 多少 when asking teenagers and adults their ages, instead we use “多大”.

你多大?(Nǐ duōdà?) – How old are you? [Asking an adult]

5. We use 几 to replace single digits when you’re talking about an uncertain number that’s higher than ten. For example:

  • 教师里有十几个学生。(Jiàoshī lǐ yǒu shíjǐgé xuésheng.) – There are more than 10 students in the classroom.
  • 我有八十几块。(Wǒ yǒu bā shíjǐ kuài.) – I have eighty-something RMB. [The exact amount is uncertain]


1. We can use 多少 to refer to any number.

你要多少个苹果?(nǐ yào duōshǎo gè píngguǒ?) How many apples do you want?

2. We can choose to omit the measure word between 多少 and the noun.

  • 教师里有多少人?(jiàoshì lǐ yǒu duōshǎo rén?) How many people are in the classroom?
  • 这个多少钱?(zhège duōshaoqián?) How much is this?

3. We use 多少 for asking phone numbers and room numbers.

你的房间号是多少?(nǐde fángjiān hào shì duōshǎo?) What’s your room number?

Check your understanding

Let’s apply what you just learnt to answer some multiple choice questions.

Created on By Emily Atherley

几 vs 多少

Test your knowledge on the use of 几 and 多少.

1 / 10


How many people are in your family?

2 / 10


How much for this book?

3 / 10


How old are you?

4 / 10


What’s your room number?

5 / 10


How much is this pen?

6 / 10


What’s your phone number?

7 / 10


How many apples do you want?

8 / 10


I have eighty something dollars (RMB).

9 / 10


Over 10 people have already arrived.

10 / 10


When are you returning home?

Your score is

The average score is 80%
