What’s your phone number?

Lesson 8

Now that you’ve learnt numbers, time and dates, try reading a dialogue that combines them with some useful new vocabulary!

Supplementary Vocabulary
yàoneed; want to, will
回家huí jiāgo home
什么时候shén me shí houwhen
下个xià genext
上个shàng gelast
挺好tǐng hǎogreat
时间shí jiāntime
保持bǎo chímaintain
当然dāng ránof course
电话号码diàn huà hào mǎphone number
多少duō shǎohow many
手机号shǒu jī hàomobile number
打电话dǎ diàn huàto make a phone call
1yāoone (in phone numbers)
basuggestion particle
好啊hǎo aokay, sure
一起yī qǐtogether

The next day Emily and John see Lily at dinner. Emily walks over to talk to her.














Lily: Wǎnshànghǎo.

Emily: Wǎnshànghǎo. Nǐhǎoma?

Lily: Bútàihǎo, wǒ hěn lèi. Wǒ míngtiān yào huíjiā.

Emily: Ò. Nǐ jǐdiǎn huíqu?

Lily: Wǒ míngtiān zǎoshang bā diǎn zǒu. Nǐmen shénmeshíhou huíguó?

Emily: Wǒmen xiàgèyuè shí hào huíguó.

Lily: Tǐnghǎo. Nǐmen háiyǒu hěn cháng shíjiān.

Emily: Wǒmen kěyǐ bǎochí liánxì ma?

Lily: Dāngrán kěyǐ!

Emily: Nǐde diànhuà hàomǎ shì duōshǎo?

Lily: Wǒde shǒujīhào shì 86- 781- 0917.

Emily: Wǒ míngtiān xiàwǔ gěi nǐ dǎdiànhuà ba.

Lily: Hǎo ā!

Try your best to understand the dialogue using the vocabulary lists and notes. However, if you are still unclear about something, click this box to see the English translation.

Lily: Good evening.
Emily: Good evening. How are you?
Lily: Not too good, I’m tired. I’m going back home tomorrow.
Emily: Oh. What time are you leaving?
Lily: I’m leaving at eight o’clock tomorrow morning. When are you going back home?
Emily: We’re going back on the 10th of next month.
Lily: That’s great. You still have a long time.
Emily: Can we stay in touch?
Lily: Of course we can!
Emily: What’s your phone number?
Lily: My mobile number is 86-781-0917.
Emily: I’ll give you a call tomorrow afternoon.
Lily: Okay!

Using上 and 下

上 (shàng) can be used to indicate “previous” or “last”. For example:

  • 上个月 (shàng gè yuè) – last month
  • 上个星期(shàng yī cì) – last week

下 (xià) can be used to indicate “next”. For example:

  • 下个星期 (xià gè xīngqī) – next week
  • 下一个 (xià yī gè) means – next (like when calling the next person in line)
Talking about the future

The word “要” can be used to talk about the future when you’re intending to do something. It means you’ve got a plan and you’re going to follow through with it. There is no future tense in Chinese. So to say “We will be going home on the 10th of next month.” is simply, “我们下个月10号回国。”

Even though it is not necessary, if we want to explicitly indicate an action will take place in the future, we can use the pattern: Subject + time + 要 + verb. For example:

  • 我明天要回家。(Wǒ míngtiān yào huíjiā.) – I’m going home tomorrow.
  • 我们下周要去北京。(Wǒmen xiàzhōu yào qù Běijīng.) – We are going to Beijing next week.

Remember that these sentences would still be grammatically correct without “要”.

Asking when (什么时候)

You’ve already learnt that “什么” means “what”. When combined with “时候”which means a specific moment in time. When you combine them to form “什么时候”, you’re basically asking, “what moment in time”, which is the same as asking “when”. For example:

  • 你们什么时候回国?(Nǐmen shénmeshíhou huíguó?) – When are you going home?
  • 你什么时候去北京?(Nǐ shénmeshíhou qù Běijīng?) – When are you going to Beijing?
Asking how many (多少)

When asking for a quantity or a number we use the question word 多少. For example:

  • 你有多少个朋友?(Nǐ yǒu duōshǎo gè péngyou?) – How many friends do you have?
  • 你的手机号是多少?(Nǐde shǒujīhào shì duōshǎo?) – What’s your mobile number?

Learn more about how to correctly use 多少.

Pronouncing the number one

You learnt that 1 in Chinese is pronounced “yī, but now, you heard in the dialogue it is pronounced “yāo”. This is because when “one” is said in a phone number or room number, it is pronounced “yāo”. This change came about to prevent misunderstandings. The sound of “一”  (yī) is quite similar to the number “七”  (qī) due to their shared ending of “ī,” making it challenging to differentiate between them.

Making suggestions with吧

In Chinese, 吧 (ba) is a modal particle that is often used to make suggestions or recommendations. When used in this way, it is similar to the English phrases “how about” or “why don’t you.” For example:

  • 我明天下午给你打电话吧。(Wǒ míngtiān xiàwǔ gěi nǐ dǎdiànhuà ba.)

– How about I give you a call tomorrow afternoon?

  • 我们一起去北京吧。(Wǒmen yìqǐ qù běijīng ba.)

– Let’s go to Beijing together.

Practice your pronunciation
上个月shàng gè yuè
上一次shàng yī cì
下个星期xià gè xīngqī
下一个xià yī gè
我明天要回家。Wǒ míngtiān yào huíjiā.
我们下周要去北京。Wǒmen xiàzhōu yào qù Běijīng.
你们什么时候回国?Nǐmen shénmeshíhou huíguó?
你什么时候去北京?Nǐ shénmeshíhou qù Běijīng?
你有多少个朋友?Nǐ yǒu duōshǎo gè péngyou?
你的手机号是多少?Nǐde shǒujīhào shì duōshǎo?
我明天下午给你打电话吧。Wǒ míngtiān xiàwǔ gěi nǐ dǎdiànhuà ba.
我们一起去北京吧。Wǒmen yìqǐ qù Běijīng ba.
What you’ve learnt

In this lesson you’ve used the vocabulary you’ve learnt so far to read a dialogue and learnt new words. You also learnt how to use 吧、上、下、什么时候 and how to use 要 to talk about what you are planning to do.