I’d like a cup of tea

Lesson 12

Are you thirsty to learn more everyday Chinese? In this lesson you’ll learn different types of drinks and some expressions necessary to order drinks.

teacups and saucers on a tray
Photo by samer daboul on Pexels.com
Beverages and Drinks
水  shuǐwater
咖啡  kāfēicoffee
牛奶  niúnǎimilk
豆浆  dòujiāngsoy milk
茶  chátea
红茶  hóngcháblack tea
绿茶  lǜchágreen tea
冰茶  bīngcháiced tea
奶茶  nǎichámilk tea
果汁  guǒzhījuice
汽水  qìshuǐsoda
可乐  kělèCoke
酒  jiǔalcohol
啤酒  píjiǔbeer
Ordering drinks
to drink
bēicup; glass
jiāto add
bīngcold (icy); ice
hot; warm
duōmany; more
shǎofew; less

When referring to temperatures or how you feel, we use the antonyms “热” and “冷” to mean hot and cold respectively. However, when referring to drinks, we use “冰” instead of “冷” to refer to cold. This is easy to remember because the word “冰” also means ice, and we usually add ice to cold drinks.

The word “还是” is used to mean “or” when presenting two options or choices (“A还是B”). For example: 你要蓝色的还是红色的?(Do you want the blue one or the red one?)

Key Expressions
我很渴。Wǒ hěn kě.I am thirsty.
你要喝什么?Nǐ yào hē shénme?What do you want to drink?
我要一杯绿茶。Wǒ yào yībēi lǜchá.I want a cup of green tea.
我要一瓶可乐。Wǒ yào yì píng kělè.I want a bottle of coke.
我能喝三瓶啤酒。Wǒ néng hē sān píng píjiǔ.I can drink three beers.
我想喝一杯冰红茶。Wǒ xiǎng hē yī bēi bīnghóngchá.I’d like to drink a glass of iced tea.
请给我一杯热咖啡。Qǐng gěi wǒ yībēi rè kāfēi.Please give me a hot cup of coffee.
冰的还是热的?Bīng de háishi rè de?Cold or hot?
多加糖。Duō jiā táng.Add more sugar.
少加糖。Shǎo jiā táng.Add less sugar.
不加糖。Bùjiā táng.Don’t add sugar.
我很热,我想喝冰水。Wǒ hěn rè, wǒ xiǎng hē bīngshuǐ.I’m hot, I’d like to drink cold water.
我很冷,给我一杯热牛奶。Wǒ hěn lěng, gěi wǒ yībēi rè niúnǎi.I’m cold, give me a glass of warm milk.
What you’ve learnt

In this lesson you’ve learnt how to say different types of drinks and beverages and how to order drinks and specify how you’d like them. In the next lesson, we’ll use this vocabulary along with some supplementary vocabulary in a dialogue lesson about visiting a Café.