Common Expressions

The lessons that use the following vocabulary are Lesson 1 – Hello, how are you? and Lesson 2 –Meeting someone new.

Lesson 2

生词 (New Words)
你呢?nǐ ne ?And you?
谢谢xiè xieThank you
不用谢bú yòng xièYou’re welcome
不好意思bù hǎo yì siSorry (excuse me)
对不起duì bu qǐI’m sorry
没关系méi guān xìThat’s ok
是的shì deYes
duìCorrect (yes)
好的hǎo deOkay
你叫什么名字?nǐ jiào shénme míngzi ?What is your name?
我叫……wǒ jiào……My name is…
我是……wǒ shì……I am …
很高兴见到你hěn gāoxīng jiàndào nǐNice to meet you
我先走wǒ xiān zǒuI have to go now