
  • How to use 了

    Let’s dive into how to use the particle 了 (le) as an aspect particle to express completion and as a modal particle to show a change of state. Supplementary vocabulary (1) 了 as an aspect particle to express completion Firstly, we can […]


  • Chinese question words

    Let’s dive into how to use the Chinese words for who, what, why, where, which, when and how. In English, question words are typically placed at the beginning of a question but Chinese question words can also appear in different positions within […]


  • 不 vs 没

    In Chinese, “不” (bù) and “没” (méi) are both used to express negation, but they are used in different situations. Let’s explore how each is used and look at some examples. 不 (bù) (一)Using 不 to refuse present actions We can use […]


  • How to use 过

    The particle 过 (guò) is used to show if an action happened before and to inquire about past experiences. You’ll remember from previous lessons that there are no tenses in Chinese (the verbs stay unchanged). Instead time expressions and particles indicate when […]


  • How to use 都

    The Chinese word “都” (dōu) is used most often to mean “all”, ‘both” or “entirely”. It can also be used for emphasis and to mean “already”. When used with the negator “不” it is necessary to pay attention to where “都” appears […]


  • 想 vs 要 vs 想要

    If you wish to convey a sense of desire in Chinese, you have three options in your toolbox: 想 (xiǎng), 要 (yào), and 想要 (xiǎngyào), all of which can be translated as “to want.” The choice among them hinges on the context […]


  • Adverbs of Degree

    Seven common adverbs of degree in Chinese 1. 真 (zhēn) – really, truly We use this adverb to emphasize the degree of something, indicating that the speaker truly believes in what they’re saying. It can be used in a positive or negative […]


  • How to use 很

    很 (hěn) is a Chinese adverb that can either simply mean “to be” or could indicate a degree. Let’s explore both uses and learn the difference. (1) In simple “noun” + “adjective” sentences When 很 is attached to an adjective, it serves […]


  • 几 vs 多少

    几 (jǐ) and 多少 (duōshǎo) are both Chinese words that are used to ask about numbers or quantities. Let’s dive into the ways they are each used, and learn to differentiate them. 几 1. We typically use 几 to refer to small, […]
