Why learn Chinese Characters
You might be wondering whether you should just focus on learning spoken Chinese and not bother memorizing all those complicated characters. If that’s really what you want to do, then go for it! But, just know that you’ll be missing out on […]
Is Learning Pinyin Useful?
There are some people (a small minority) who suggest that foreigners should never use pinyin to learn Chinese because native speakers do not use it when they are first acquiring the language as children. First of all, there is a difference between […]
Types of Chinese characters
How can we classify different types of characters? Traditionally, Chinese characters are classified into six types based on their formation or derivation: Pictograms 象形字 (xiàngxíngzì) These characters are like drawings of the images they are depicting. Examples: Simple ideograms 指事字 (zhǐshìzì) These […]
Benefits of Learning Chinese
Thinking about diving into the world of Chinese language? Let me tell you, the benefits are nothing short of amazing. Although I’ve broken it down into three main categories, there’s no limit to the doors that mastering Chinese can open. So buckle […]
How to Enjoy Learning Chinese
If you want to build a strong language learning habit, it needs to be enjoyable, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Curiosity will take you further than pure willpower. In Chinese there is a popular saying: 不怕慢, 就怕站。 — Be […]
Is Chinese Difficult to Learn?
Many English speakers believe that Mandarin Chinese is one of the most difficult languages to learn. Let us explore why Mandarin seems to be a lot more difficult to learn than many other languages. 1. Chinese is not a phonetic language To […]