At the market

Lesson 28

Let’s use the vocabulary we learnt in the previous lesson as well as some from lesson 11 and lesson 14 as we follow Anna and her grandmother to go shopping at the market.

Colorful fruit and vegetables on a market
Supplementary vocabulary
老板lǎobǎnboss, shopkeeper
行吗xíng maIs it/that okay?
a dozen
摊(摊儿)tān (tānr)stall (market stall)
自己zìjǐself, oneself
一下(一下儿)yíxià (yíxiàr)a moment
稍等shāoděngwait a moment
离开líkāito leave
不错búcuònot bad, pretty good

安娜: 姥姥,你想买什么?

姥姥: 我想买猪肉、鸡蛋、还有一些蔬菜。

姥姥: 老板,我要三斤猪肉。



安娜: 姥姥,这里还卖鸡蛋。

卖家: 这里的鸡蛋一打八块。您要多少?

姥姥: 请给我两打。




安娜: 姥姥,我想买水果。我们去那边的水果摊吧。


Anna: Lǎolao, nǐ xiǎng mǎi shénme?

Grandma: Wǒ xiǎng mǎi zhūròu, jīdàn, hái yǒu yīxiē shūcài.

Grandma: Lǎobǎn, wǒ yào sān jīn zhūròu.

Vendor: Hǎo de. Sān jīn duō yīdiǎn, xíng ma?

Grandma: Hǎo.

Anna: Lǎolao, zhèlǐ hái mài jīdàn.

Vendor: Zhèlǐ de jīdàn yī dǎ bā kuài. Nín yào duōshǎo?

Grandma: Qǐng gěi wǒ liǎng dǎ.

Vendor: Qǐng děng yīxià.

Vendor: Yī gòng sìshí yī kuài wǔ. Gěi wǒ sìshí jiù kěyǐ.

Grandma: Hǎo de. Xièxiè.

Anna: Lǎolao, wǒ xiǎng mǎi shuǐguǒ. Wǒmen qù nàbiān de shuǐguǒ tān ba.

Grandma: Gěi nǐ sānshí kuài, nǐ zìjǐ guòqù ba. Wǒ qù mǎi qiézi, dàbáicài, xīhóngshì hé dàsuàn.


安娜: 你们的葡萄和橘子多少钱一斤?

卖家: 葡萄一斤八块,橘子一斤五块。

安娜: 我要买一斤半葡萄,一斤橘子。




安娜: 一共多少钱?







姥姥: 安娜,你买的水果很不错。

安娜: 我们一起回去做个美味的晚饭吧!

[Zaì shuǐguǒ tān]

Anna: Nǐmen de pútáo hé júzi duōshǎo qián yī jīn?

Vendor: Pútáo yī jīn bā kuài, júzi yī jīn wǔ kuài.

Anna: Wǒ yào mǎi yī jīn bàn pútáo, yī jīn júzi.

Vendor: Nín hái xiǎng mǎi bié de ma?

Anna: Wǒ hái xiǎng mǎi yī gè bōluó.

Vendor: Hǎo de, shāo děng.

Anna: Yī gòng duōshǎo qián?

Vendor: Yī gòng èrshíbā yuán.

Anna: Gěi nín sānshí kuài qián.

Vendor: Hǎo de, zhǎo nín liǎng kuài, shuǐguǒ nín ná hǎo.

Anna: Xièxiè nín, zàijiàn.

Vendor: Màn zǒu.

[Ānnà hé lǎolao yào yīqǐ líkāi shìchǎng]

Grandma: Ānnà, nǐ mǎi de shuǐguǒ hěn búcuò.

Anna: Wǒmen yīqǐ huíqù zuò gè měiwèi de wǎnfàn ba!

Try your best to understand the dialogue using the vocabulary lists and notes. However, if you are still unclear about something, click on this box to see the English translation.

Anna: Grandma, what do you want to buy?

Grandma: I want to buy pork, eggs, and some vegetables.

Grandma: Shopkeeper, I want three jin of pork.

Vendor: Okay. A bit over three jin, is that fine?

Grandma: Sure.

Anna: Grandma, they also sell eggs here.

Vendor: The eggs here are eight yuan per dozen. How many do you want?

Grandma: Please give me two dozen.

Vendor: Please wait a moment.

Vendor: That will be forty-one yuan and fifty cents. You can just give me forty.

Grandma: Okay. Thank you.

Anna: Grandma, do you want to buy fruits? I want to buy grapes, tangerines, and a pineapple. Let’s go to the fruit stall over there.

Grandma: Here’s thirty yuan. Go by yourself. I’ll go buy eggplants, Chinese cabbage, tomatoes, and garlic.

【At the fruit stall】

Anna: How much are your grapes and tangerines per jin?

Vendor: Grapes are eight yuan per jin, and tangerines are five yuan per jin.

Anna: I want to buy one and a half jin of grapes and one jin of tangerines.

Vendor: Do you want anything else?

Anna: I also want to buy a pineapple.

Vendor: Okay, please wait a moment.

Anna: How much is it in total?

Vendor: It’s twenty-eight yuan in total.

Anna: Okay, here’s thirty yuan for you.

Vendor: Okay, here’s your change of two yuan. Take your fruits.

Anna: Thank you. Goodbye.

Vendor: Take care.

[Anna and Grandma leave the market together.]

Grandma: Anna, you bought good fruits.

Anna: Let’s go back together and make a delicious dinner!

What you’ve learnt

In this lesson you’ve used the vocabulary you’ve learnt so far to read a dialogue and learnt new words to read about a visit to the market.