Seven common adverbs of degree in Chinese
1. 真 (zhēn) – really, truly
We use this adverb to emphasize the degree of something, indicating that the speaker truly believes in what they’re saying. It can be used in a positive or negative context.
Wǒ zhēn xǐhuān nà jiàn hēisè wàitào.
I really like that black coat.
2. 特别 (tèbié) – especially, particularly
We use this adverb to indicate that something is exceptional or unique, going beyond what is ordinary or typical. It often expresses admiration or appreciation.
Nà tiáo hóngsè liányīqún tèbié piàoliang.
That red dress is especially beautiful.
3. 非常 (fēicháng) – extremely, very
We use this adverb to indicate a higher degree than 真and 特别. It can be used in a positive or negative context.
Zhè dǐng zǐsè màozi fēicháng hǎokàn.
This purple hat is very good-looking.
4. 比较 (bǐjiào) – comparatively, relatively
We use this adverb to indicate a moderate degree of something, usually in comparison to something else. It can be used in a positive or negative context.
Zhè tiáo niúzǎikù bǐjiào shímáo.
This pair of jeans is more fashionable.
5. 更 (gèng) – even more
We use this adverb to indicate a higher degree of something than what has been mentioned previously, emphasizing a change or a contrast. It can be used in a positive or negative context.
Wǒ juédé zhè jiàn chènyī gèng shūfu.
I think this shirt is even more comfortable.
6. 最 (zuì) – most
We use this adverb to indicate the highest degree of something, expressing a superlative or an absolute. It can be used in a positive or negative context.
Wǒ zuì xǐhuān yánsè shì lánsè.
My favorite color is blue.
7. 太…了 (tài…le) – too, excessively
We use this adverb to indicate that something has gone beyond a desirable or acceptable limit, to the point of an excess or a fault. It is most often used in a negative context.
Nà shuāng xié tài dàle.
Those shoes are too big.
Language in Action
It’s time to practice using adverbs of degree by answering the following questions. Ensure that you have first learnt vocabulary on clothes and colours.